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Couldn't resist, so super cute (:

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
10:41 PM

Here are some pics taken while in Disney Land...

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fight fight fight
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so cute right..
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i'm obsessed with this sign
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pumpkins :D
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Ok, those 2 other pics are not from Disney Land but still....

i have an obsession with this apple
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my more beautiful,hotter,sexier,more charming and gorgoues than Chevonne's hamster *lol*
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Monday, May 29, 2006
9:49 PM

Artem got out!
But actually i feel that Jamile can't dance as well as Artem but then Artem not as popular as Jamile so obviously Jamile wouldn't get out.
I'm so happy Ashle didn't get out, so close. I like Disco, but recently, no one dancing the Quick Step anymore.*bleh*

Tomorrow got the funtasia thing, quite dumb lor, i don't even know what's it about besides Maths and Science is involved in it. Then after that got golf, last seesion already but then i think in Term 3 , i'm gonna join Modern Dance. I know, i know i can't really dance but it's like just for fun. Enjoyment kinda thing. Julia and Pearlyn seriously can dance well. Lucky for them and Yi Han also joining.* i think*

Ok nothing more to say already, said everything in the previous post. And one more thing, like in some post i said i was gonna show you some pictures of lightsabers, ya here they are. But there's this person in those pics, so annoying lor, but the lightsabers look so pathetic but are actually very cool

Mace Windu *i got no idea who he is*
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Luke Skywalker
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Darth Vader
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Darth Sideous * i dunno who*
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
9:54 PM

Ok, just watched SI... i realised something, if you compare AI and SI, you'll realise that AI's standards are pretty high, well at least higher than SI but i'm not saying that Singaporeans have no talent.

But there are a few ppl which i think will go far as far as popularity is the main thing. Like the guy for example who acted in Living With Lydia, what's his name... err.... i think it's Terence Tay or something liddat. Cause it's like he was on TV before so it's like a more popular kinda thing, but some of them really got talent.

But then again, some of them are like very disappointed while others think that the judges made the wrong decision, sore losers that's what i call it, they can't accept the fact that they are out of the competition.

Yeash, i know i'm posting crap but i'm like so bored, nothing more to talk about..blah blah blah
I wanna pierce another ear hole but my mom won't allow *bleh* , why not?? argh

3:44 PM

So sad, i haven't collected my report book yet, because nobody gonna collect, i wanna see my final results! and blah blah blah.

I realised that many ppl has quite a few anonymous in their tag board. why do ppl also wanna keep their identity so secretive, for what?
Got nothing much to write actually, so sian, computer's like getting more and more boring each day.

Going overseas soon, so happy but then it's the same place all the time. And my pass to Ocean Park has expired, wanna go Disneyland again. I wanna go buy stuff, but then after i come back from the trip. I wanna go for the intermediate camp but the dsay we're suppose to go to school to practice for the music marathon is smack right in the center... argh.

Rihanna's SOS not that nice what, how come it was like 1st on the chart for like about 2 weeks. Due to Pearlyn's influence, PCD's Button(s) is nice. like the chorus. According to Pearlyn and Julia, it's very nice to do snake with the beat.

Drums.... so fun, i haven't got my own sticks, Julia played the drums so hard the her sticks were like so ugly already. I need to stop for 2 lessons because of my holiday but Julia's mom don't let her stop ley, then she's like 2 lessons in front of me that means we won't be in the same class...... *bleh*

Brittany, i'm warning you, if u breathe a word the s*** thing would be known to the world

Friday, May 26, 2006
9:45 AM

What the ****??!?!?!
Taylor aka soul patrol won?!?! ARGH!! But Taylor has like a lot of votes but never mind. Clay Aiken changed his hairstyle, so ugly now, could not even recognise him, so ugly. So unfair, i was feeling tired so i lie down on the carpet and fell asleep, missed the results, so unfair!!

Was watching blue's clues just now. kinda mised it even though it's like so dumb. lalala nothing to say.
Miss Loh so freaky and she gave us so much work to do!!

Drum class on this saturday again, i hope i'm not gonna be late if not i'm gonna miss alot and i think i'm gonna continue with this class Julia. Don't feel like changing.

Oh ya, you know the curry and rice song? Me and Delaney made up one about teachers. so funny but i kinda lost the lyrics so i can't ype it out. But never mind, when i get my hands on it, you'll be able to read it in the front page where it says ' APPLES ARE GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH'

I have obsessions with
  • stars
  • drums
  • my fishy cushion
  • penguins
  • etc..
they want to cure us, but i say we're the cure

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
9:28 PM

OMG mr quek watches hard gay,no wonder he's so gay lolx and he says its funny... ARGH luckily Yihan agrees with me that it's dumb*woot*
Then Pearlyn was getting high again. For dunno what reason, mr quek was like playing the song..umm... the one with the lyrics ' in the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight' that song. And Pearlyn was like following the dog and hippo's action, so crappy and i was like trying to shut Pearlyn up and prevent her from getting higher then mr quek was like 'Pearlyn, Debbie and that girl next to you' dumb right. crappy Pearlyn.

I'm so scared that Katharine won't win. I just have this feeling that every result show, Taylor is the one with the most number of votes. Not fair, i want Katharine to win.

Katherine you rawk
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Today, Julia Pearlyn and i went to Delaney's Aunt shop to eat. The brownie so nice, the place so nice, the ice cream so yummy and the root beer so refreshing. Then we were talking and lalala, blah blah blah. Then at the Serangoon MRT station, Julia told us the place or spot at what happened to 6 inch thing.

Music Marathon audition was ok just that the teacher listening to us was like so hard to please.ARGH. Nat can play the guitar*yay* she was playing with me or i was playing with her, whatever...we played like Every Move I Make only, we were suppose to play Heart Of Worship but we didn't reach that part lor.

This was what Delaney drew of me when she was gonna predict how i was gonna tie my hair after my haircut.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
9:33 PM

Ok i'm gonna post some random stuff that i can think of now ...

Katharine should win for AI

Alicia Key's supports Taylor *bleh*

Music Marathon is killing me

I miss Shobi and those crappy times

Ryan got out of So You Think You Can Dance but he's not that versatile actually, sooner or later he'll get out. I like Blake and Ashle so versatile

Quick Step and Disco + Hip hop rocks

I wanna be a pro drummer

Maths suck

Julia and Nat must learn some self-respect =x haha

IT tomorrow, i think we're gonna slack

I haven't been using colours for my posts for some time

I want the Converse bag

I want to pierce 2nd ear hole

Going Delane's aunty shop tomorrow

Today made some dumplings, dumb ones so unfair i dunno how to make. Ethel quite pro at it

Do the chicken dance
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Monday, May 22, 2006
10:35 PM

I dunno why but i hate mathematics, not fun one...

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Saturday, May 20, 2006
11:20 PM

Today was like quite...uh huh....kinda thing

1] I cut my hair!!!! I cut my hair!!! finally yay i'm so happy, but the problem is that i now 'officially' have a major problem, i can't tie my hair properly, so messy then need to put clips and hairband. But then, my dumb sister says that the cut is not nice but to me it's nice, new style rather than the same old long hair thing.

2] Because of my time at the salon, i was really late for drums and i was only intime for like 10 minutes and learnt a few new beats and the teacher said we could practice with the song Yellow by Coldplay cause we were learning the beats to the song. Julia play like pro liddat, and i'm like huh?? what's that and all but she taught me so yah, got it except for the high hat lifting up and dropping thing.....can't get it and both of us the beat a bit too fast, not according to the beat so a bit out, not that nice but otherwise, we sort of completed the whole song.... yay!!

3] Went to Ikea to buy a bunk bed all for me and the hotdogs at Ikea are yummy and the price is reasonable too =]

Ok that was what i did today and tomorrow there's gonna be netball together with the Youths and 4 other churches but i'm not looking forward to it cause most proberbly the boys are gonna touch the ball the most, not fair at all. Monica said she felt that way last time too and she never thought the guys and girls in the same level would be like close to each other and she sid we would too, some day, i beg to diff. I want the Converse crumpler and shoes!! they're like sooo nice but then the crumpler's like so expensive and i want the shoes!! the bag i really want but like $90++ so expensive for a bag..*sigh* *bleh*

Friday, May 19, 2006
10:42 PM

Ok here are like some pictures for you to admire?!?!

I know the next pics are kinda old but it was just for fun :D

Ok that's all gonna watch Amazing Race already

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
9:46 PM

Let's start...
Today , me Julia Pearlyn and Jia hui went to Hougang mall to buy earrings but ended up buying more than that itself. Jia hui showed me where Tricia cut her hair, gonna cut with Julia before the 6 Gentleness party. I bought shoelaces, so nice with stars..and bands.. Then went home. Actually i wantd to cut my hair but then not really enough time so decided not to.

AMERICAN IDOL! it's ending like real soon, 7 more days to be exact. Today, when Taylor performed the last song towards the ending, it was so freaky , he was like jumping around going off the chart...arhhh.. so freaky.
I support Katharine, she can sing!!!!! but i'm so scared she'll go out cause the judges comments for her was quite lan...hmm... I still like Elliot's surname,Yamin so cute :D
Da Vinci Code is coming up tomorrow. Ppl are getting excited i wanna watch but it's NC 16, not fair at all. But then, Dan Brown, the waty he writes the stories are like taking those Gnostic Gospels and twisting them until they become so real that some ppl may believe it. To me , i feel that this book make a follower of God doubt whether he or she are actually believing in nothing. Jesus of married? had a girl name Sarah?? how can all these be? So now, ppl are kinda debating whether thses are fact of just simply fiction as the book is a novel. But Dan Brown has said that he has no evidence to prove that all these that he wrote were true. So ppl, just remember it's just a novel and don't just believe it so easily.
The music marathon thing is giving me a headache. I'm in the midst of typing out about 19 song lyrics. *bleh* no fun one. So tough, i really wanna cut my hair...
I realise that i have quite a number of obsessions.
~ stars
~ drums
~ penguins
~ etc.. cant' really remember
Ok back to work now.....argh...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
9:34 PM

how come my Math become so low?? stupid home econs teacher... dunno how they mark, my marks become so freaking low! ARGHH#$#^

Today had this talk about encouragement by this guy name..err... Jim Key. Ya, he's suppose to be 2003 world championship speaker or something liddat. Then he told us about he encouraging his daughter. So one day, when he was suppose to fetch his daughter (6 year old kid) after sunday school, he heard this boy say this to his kid "you are ugly and dumb" something like that and his daughter was like "no i'm beautiful smart gorgeous...etc and my daddy says that to me all the time" so cute right, imagine a small like kid waving her finger around and scolding this boy...hahahax so funny... and Jim was requeted to paly the drums, he play like pro, so nice i wanna play liddat someday too =]

Monday, May 15, 2006
9:50 PM

So You Think You Can Dance rocks!!
It's like so cool, with all the dancing from all different themes
~ Salsa
~ Hip Hop
~ Pero Double* i think*
~ Disco
~ Quick Step
~ Ballroom
~ Jazz
~ Jive
~ etc...
Disco is way harder than Quick step.But i love Salsa, so nice. Today, Snow's hair was like Ryan's ..spikey!!! so nice...
But sadly, they were in the bottom 2 couples, so sad right?? But luckily, Allan aka Big Papa went home and snow went home, I was so happy, Ryan didn't get out =] so happy...I like his hair, so cute so spikey all the time..lolx.


Ok, now so sian, exchanging songs with Pearlyn, sian o..Science results wasn't so bad.... i'm quite satisfied.
Argh...next week church combine with youths, i dowan, make me look so small and Brittany wearing skirt or skort, i dunno. Can't wait to see her.. hahahax should be funny...

I'm starting to miss all my close friends in 6 Gentleness, i don't really like A2, not as fun as 6 Ge.

Eldds is killing me alot, big time. The sounds i dunno how to collect and the lighting even worst, how to do the lightings??? Delaney suggested using touchlight leh, quite dumb yet smart arh?
All in all, Eldds in kinda killing me.....

Saturday, May 13, 2006
10:50 AM

Ok, my previous post was just to vent my fustrations and to those 3 ppl ..

Night Safari was so cool, except for that trail with all the trees and all, so feaky was like mostly hiding. hahahax

Then we went to see the leopard, was so close, like you could pratically touch it except that there was this wall in between you and that leopard, so cute =]

Then we went to see some otters, even cuter. Cause there were these 3 ppl there also, then there was this super cute otter who was like standing on its hind legs lookin at those 3 ppl , so cute. Then it went up to a higher level then stand on its hind legs again, like getting ready to jump out, so cute =]

Then on the tram ride, we were suppose to look out for this animal then i was also looking, then that tapia suddenly walked so close to the tram the side where i was sitting, so freaky!!! i was like so shocked, hahahax you should have seen the look on my face..

Ok i don't feel like blogging so that's all.. except that i'm like so happy that today, is the day for drums....=]

10:38 AM

Why on earth has my tag board become liddat???.....
Ppl from 1B1 are like calling me a poser for that darn llama song when it's posted up the web on
www.albinoblack.sheep.com ?? They are sooooo childish ppl, to describe them, moronic, dumb, lame, childish, petty assholes.The llama song is put up on the web so that or those B1 ppl, would you just please shut up about that?? Then the person who made the llama song can also tell you you ppl are posers... singing his song??? same right, think about it ok??

And that anonymous.... who the hell are you?!?! hiding behind that anonymous name, afraid to show your true identiy, afraid ppl would think you are this and that? Tell me your true identity if not get lost..ok?

Last person, pix*dumb name* ok whatever , you can call me anything you want to , you have the right to ok? but one thing, me going over to Pearlyn's and not your table is none of your business so get lost and shut your damn mouth. Pearlyn still talks to you because don't forget she's a I ok and you are practically sitting with her for everything so she can't just act like you are invisible.

Why have my tag board become liddat? Lemme tell you, it is because of ppl that are so childish, crazy, moronic, dumb, idiotic, stupid, lame, petty to scream their freaking head off at me in my tag board for literally nothing...
This post is to that stupid person from B1 * i'm not saying that B1 is stupid, it is because of your that one friend that made me hate your class, so ask that friend of yours to shut up before killing the whole class* and that freaking anonymous plus pix.

Thursday, May 11, 2006
10:27 PM

I'm quite happy Chris got out....and i still like Katharine. I think Taylor might be the next american idol, you see, lf you look back on previous episodes, he was NEVER in the bottom 3 or 2.Good eh..

Ok, i'm kinda in a bad mood, the stupid internet is so freaking slow, sister's annoyingme, the MSN space thing is killing me, i can't find the perfect song for my blog!!!! ARGH... the hard gay thing isn't working properly so now i can't watch!!!.......*bleh*

So sian, i can't believe iwebmusic doesn't have Bounce or Jailhouse Rock....ahhhh....so i stuck with I Miss You by Blink 182.

Today Julia prank call me, but they laugh, so plan backfired.Then they prank call Junyang, so funny, then i think Gracelynn was kinda angry.But it kinda funny...ok whatever.

Kee Kit thinks that the hard gay thing is funny but i think it's totally moronic and stupid.That guy's crazy.

I like the llama song, so cute.here's the
llama song. Let's type some things i like and not like.

~ drums
~ handphone
~ ipod
~ computer
~ gamecube
~ blog
~ CDs
~ guitar
~ sweets
~ exercise ball
~ accessories
~ netball
~ bowling
~ ice skating

~ jay chou
~ metallic rock
~ sister
~ joann
~ sheralyn
~ lagging computer
~ delane's moronic behaviour
~ teachers
~ mathematics
~ my chemical romance
~ soccer

Ok..there...some more random anad ridiculous stuff...lalala O ya, Pearlyn has past until PSLE for moronic studies,I have until O levels, Delaney has until A levels and Yi han has a PHD in moronic studies..lols

Here's a llama
There's a llama
And another little llama
Fuzzy llama
Funny llama
Llama llama

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
9:25 PM

OMG i can't believe it....mr quek saw my previous post...ARGH!! but never mind.. doesn't really matter...
Today we almost completed the powerpoint...then mr quek was showing Delane his ex-girlfriend's picture in his phone.. then Delane was like."look like Chevonne" hahahax but only the frinch lar...so stupid...then i dunno how we come to this but then we were talking about mr quek not knowing almost all the teachers, then Jeannica asked 'Do you know Ms Ting?' then he was like no but then Delaney asked for his age then he was like....*age* then he said 'but Ms Ting's older than me' that meant he knew Ms Ting!!..lolx..ok sian...
Today was like slacking in the lab..then for dunno what reason, Pearlyn, Yi Han and Delaney were like looking at mr quek and laughing.. and he was i hate it when ppl look and laugh at me...haha..ok crap...

I love American Idol...!!!! I like Kathatrine, so nice...like i her voice, Taylor's crazy and i don't like Chris or Elliot but Elliot's surname so cute...haha..Yamin..rotflol

I like SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE..so nice ok...only for does who appreciate dancing...haha..not trying to mean anything...
Snow's good in dancing but i don't like her.Ryan's good, Delaney and i like his spiked hair...so cool :D So basically there's Salsa, Jazz,Quick step and hip hop.. I love Salsa so nice nad cool....jazz a bit too much emotion kinda thing hip hop's hard.. quick step is kinda hard to learn almost immediately, must move FAST. ..lalala...

*sigh* tomorrow have Science common test then IT'S OVER!! yay!!..Oh man! i sucked for Geography, i think i'm like gonna fail...

Today's audition was crappy, Janice whacked the drum sticks together so funny..heehee... and for One Way and Forever we were like jumping for the chorus then stop, so retarded.. :D

Oh ya, before i forget..this is to Brittany
No offence to ppl in choir...only meant for Brittany anyway..
Oh my paragraphs are like REAl random but never mind
Here's a llama
There's a llama
And another little llama
Fuzzy llama
Funny llama
Llama llamma

Sunday, May 07, 2006
6:58 PM


Oh man!! it's like only 6 more days before the 1st drum lesson...i like so can't wait any longer.....i'm so excited =]
Stupid math...make me have a stupid headache..argh...i hate algebra so much...so annoying + all those stinking careless mistakes...i'll fail for math common test like in about 2 days time.....
Today in church was like kinda boring... after all the singing and all.... Uncle Moses was talking about how Singapore is so lucky that they have their own right to choose their religion. He said that he had this friend who preached in dunno where and was arrested. he was like 78 years old and actually he had to do some work in jail but because of his age, they spared him... so lucky and he came out only after 5 years..so sad eh?? no freedom at all...
I showed Brittany the self respect video and the end of the world video and she was like huh???...
I don't like Karen Yang at all...she is like so act and AA...*bleh*
Stupid quek was like....somebody linked me...then blah blah blah...and everyone was like..thinking maybe it was Karen Yang... and he was like " what wrong with Karen Yang" and all and he said "ok maybe i should check her out" and me and Pearlyn were like looking at each other and like as if saying "erm...what's that suppose to mean" so was like almost the whole class....hahahax then stupid quek was typing some Hokkien shit to us and we were "what does that mean" then he was " i dunno how to explain lar, but it's not what you ppl are thinking..." lolx then we watched video of this guy doing some magic trick...quite lame lar and quek was like " this guy sold his soul to the devil" so lame right??,...stupid...and watched MV Because of You then back to powerpoint stuff.....
Tomorrow back to school....*bleh*

Thursday, May 04, 2006
9:39 PM

Ok... today was like really crappy..

1 ~ the History test was like crap and i sucked at those source based quetions, i think i'm gonna fail...fail, fail,fail....ARGH!!!...Help...no computer for mee...

2 ~ after school me, Natalie,Pearlynand Julia were like doing 2 videos, one on the End of the World which we didn't complete due to some ppl... and the other was about Self Respect..hahahax..So funny, and Gracia, Elizabeth and Olivia were the little kids...*confused??* then come and see the video on my handphone...hahax so retarded and moronic.When Delaney sees this, she'll laugh like dunno what one...if you just wanna see the script, go to Julia's blog but warning, it's a bit dirty.. lolx

3 ~ During PE period, because Ms Tay didn't come, me and Delaney plus Pearlyn was like playing the new and improved version of hang man but it was all about drawing, and i was like trying to draw this freak and an exit sign with a door below. I was trying to show the song FREAK OUT and Delaney and Pearlyn got the OUT correct but the FREAK was like dunno what...haha.Because i told them the word started with a letter F they were like
Until I was like 'what would you consider Quek and Leow' then they were like FREAk! ok never mind so crappy , i don't think you would get it...

In American Idol...Paris got out.....i think Elliot should have gone out, i don't like Chris, he like only can sing those type of rock songs lor...
I support Kathleen* i dunno how to spell her name* she can sing well!!! Taylor's a bit off the chart but he can sing...yea...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
5:50 PM

Today, was like quite ok... nothing really happened...
Actually.. i hate this class, nothing can be done about the class party and like the stupid class com. also want their own way...wtf!
I can't stand it anymore...

Today, i realised that Pearlyn's sister is like seriously weird and * i dunno how to say*..

Me and Delane were like drawing comics on this book i found at home, so funny, the 3rd comic was like freaking cute because Jeannica and Ethel inspired us to come up with this idea and the 4th comics was like all about me being stupid...argh!!!!...... You should take a look at the book, super cute, erm.. you can borrow it from me if you like....

I'm kinda scared for tomorrow, there's like History Common Test and i have this stupidly bad feeling about the whole test being super hard...
* Exams are like so ain't fun... wait.... they were never meant to be fun...*bleh*!

In English class. I didn't realise something until Pei Jin and Estelle told me, Ms Loh* yea.. the teacher i don't like* wore her top the wrong way...*hahaha**rotflol* so lame right.....walao...

Oh ya.. in my previous post, i forgot to mention that Julia and i are like learning drums together* wanted her name there*...

Better continue to pray that my results would not....be like crap before i'm like banned from my computer!!